Search by Botanical family Acanthaceae Aceraceae Achariaceae Acipenseridae Acoraceae Actinidiaceae Actiniscaceae Adoxaceae Agaricaceae Agaricales Agarinaceae Agavaceae Aizoaceae Alariaceae Albatrellaceae Alcyoniidae Alismataceae Alliaceae Alligatoridae Aloeaceae Altingiaceae Amaranthaceae Amaryllidaceae Ampullariidae Anacardiaceae Anguillidae Annonaceae Aphloiaceae Apiaceae Apidae Apocynaceae Aquifoliaceae Araceae Araliaceae Araucariaceae Arecaceae Arenicolidae Aristolochiaceae Artemiidae Asclepiadaceae Asparagaceae Asphodelaceae Asteraceae Auriculariaceae Bacilaiophyceae Bacillariaceae Bacillariophyceae Balanitaceae Balanophoraceae Balsaminaceae Bangiaceae Bankeraceae Basellaceae Berberidaceae Betulaceae Bignoniaceae Bixaceae Blechnaceae Boletaceae Bombacaceae Bombycidae Bonnemaisoniaceae Boraginaceae Botryococcaceae Bovidae Brassicaceae Briareidae Bromeliaceae Buddlejaceae Burseraceae Buxaceae Cactaceae Caledoniae Callophyllaceae Calophyllaceae Calycanthaceae Campanulaceae Canellaceae Cannabidaceae Cannaceae Cantharellaceae Capparaceae Capparidaceae Caprifoliaceae Capsosiphonaceae Caricaceae Caryocaraceae Caryophyllaceae Casaurinaceae Castoridae Caulerpaceae Celastraceae Cervidae Chaetocerotaceae Chenopodiaceae Chlamydomonadaceae Chloranthaceae Chlorellaceae Chlorococcaceae Chlorodendraceae Chlorogloeopsidaceae Chlorophyta Choanephoraceae Chordariaceae Chromulinaceae Chrysobalanceae Cicadellidae Cistaceae Cladoniaceae Cladophoraceae Clavicipaceae Cleomaceae Clupeidae Clusiaceae Codiaceae Combretaceae Commelinaceae Compositae Convolvulaceae Corallinaceae Cornaceae Cornnaraceae Crassulaceae Crombretaceae Crypthecodiniaceae Cucumariidae Cucurbitaceae Cucurbitodeae Cunoniaceae Cupressaceae Cururbitaceae Cuscutaceae Cyanidiophyceae Cyanophyceae Cyantheaceae Cyatheaceae Cyperaceae Cypressaceae Cyprinidae Cystocloniaceae Cystofilobasidiaceae Daphniphyllaceae Delesseriaceae Delphinidae Dennstaedtiaceae Dictyotaceae Dilleniaceae Dioscoreaceae Dipsacaceae Dipterocarpaceae Droseraceae Dryopteridaceae Dumontiaceae Dunaliellaceae Durvilleaceae Ebenaceae Ectocarpaceae Elaeagnaceae Elaeocarpaceae Endocladiaceae Enterobacteriaceae Ephedraceae Equisetaceae Ericaceae Erythroxylaceae Eucommiaceae Euglenidae Euphorbiaceae Fabaceae Fagaceae Fagoideae Flacourtiaceae Fomitopsidaceae Formicidae Fouquieriaceae Fragilariaceae Fucaceae Fulgoridae Fumariaceae Furaceae Furcellariaceae Gadidae Galaxauraceae Galdieriaceae Ganodermataceae Gelidiaceae Gentianaceae Gephyrocapsaceae Geraniaceae Gesneriaceae Gigartinaceae Ginglymostomatidae Ginkgoaceae Gleicheniaceae Globularaceae Glusiaceae Gnetaceae Gomphaceae Goodeniaceae Gorgoniidae Gracilariaceae Grossulariaceae Guttiferae Haemodoraceae Halimedaceae Haliotidae Haloragaceae Halymeniaceae Hamamelidaceae Heliconiaceae Hericiaceae Heterosigmataceae Himanthaliaceae Hippocastanaceae Hydrophyllaceae Hygrophoropsidaceae Hymenochaetaceae Hypericaceae Hypneaceae Hypoxidaceae Icmadophilaceae Illiciaceae Iridaceae Ishigeaceae Isochrysidaceae Juglandaceae Julianiaceae Juncaceae Krameriaceae Lamiaceae Laminaceae Laminariaceae Lamnidae Lardizabalaceae Lauraceae Lecythidaceae Leguminosae Lemnaceae Leptocylindraceae Lessoniaceae Liliaceae Limnanthaceae Linaceae Lithodesmiaceae Lithothamniaceae Loganiaceae Loranthaceae Lycopodiaceae Lyophyllaceae Lythraceae Mackinlayaceae Magnoliaceae Malpighiaceae Malvaceae Marantaceae Marasmiaceae Marsileaceae Melanthiaceae Melastomataceae Meliaceae Menispermaceae Menyanthaceae Meripilaceae Merryliaceae Miliaceae Mimoaceae Mixture Monimiaceae Monodopsidaceae Monostromataceae Moraceae Moringaceae Mortierellaceae Mucoracea Musaceae Mustelidae Myrcinaceae Myricaceae Myristicaceae Myrothamnaceae Myrsinaceae Myrtaceae Myrteceae Mytilidae Myxinidae Naviculaceae Nelumbonaceae Neochloridaceae Nepenthaceae Nephtheidae Nidulariaceae Nitrariaceae Noctuidae Noelaerhabdaceae Nostocaceae Nostochopsidaceae Nyctaginaceae Nymphaeaceae Oenotheraceae Olacaceae Oleaceae Onagraceae Ophioglossaceae Orchidaceae Orobanchaceae Oscillatoriaceae Osmundaceae Ostreidae Oxalidaceae Paeoniaceae Palmaceae Pandanaceae Papaveraceae Parmeliaceae Passifloraceae Pavlovaceae Pedaliaceae Pentadiplandraceae Pentaphylacaceae Penthoraceae Phacotaceae Phaeophyceae Phaeophytae Phallaceae Phormidiaceae Phrymaceae Phyllanthaceae Phyllathaceae Phytolaccaceae Pinaceae Piperacea Piperaceae Pittosporaceae Plantaginacea Plantaginaceae Platanaceae Pleurochrysidaceae Pleurotaceae Plexauridae Plumbaginaceae Poaceae Podocarpaceae Podostemaceae Polemoniaceae Polygalaceae Polygonaceae Polypodiaceae Polyporaceae Pontederiaceae Porphyridaceae Portulacaceae Posidoniaceae Potamogetonaceae Primulaceae Prorocentraceae Proteaceae Prymesiophyceae Pseudanabaenaceae Pseudomonadaceae Pteridaceae Pterocladiaceae Punicaceae Pyrocystaceae Pyrolaceae Radiococcaceae Ranunculaceae Resedaceae Rhamnaceae Rhizophoraceae Rhizosoleniaceae Rhodellaceae Rhodobacteraceae Rhodomelaceae Rhodymeniaceae Rissoellaceae Rosaceae Rubiaceae Ruscaceae Russulaceae Rutaceae Saccharomycetaceae Salicaceae Salmonidae Salvadoraceae Salviniaceae Samydaceae Santalaceae Sapindaceae Sapotaceae Sargassaceae Saururaceae Saxifragaceae Scenedesmaceae Schisandraceae Schizophyllaceae Schizotrichaceae Sciadopityaceae Scincidae Sclerotiniaceae Scrophulariaceae Scyliorhinidae Selaginellaceae Sepiidae Simaroubaceae Simmondsiaceae Siparunaceae Skeletonemataceae Smilacaceae Solanaceae Solieriaceae Sparassidaceae Sphacelariaceae Sphagnaceae Staphyleaceae Stemonaceae Stephanosphaeraceae Sterculiaceae Stichopodidae Strelitziaceae Streptococcaceae Strombidiidae Stylonemataceae Stypocaulaceae Styracaceae Suidae Symplocaceae Talinaceae Tamaricaceae Taxaceae Taxodiaceae Tenebrionidae Tetrabaenaceae Thalassiosiraceae Theaceae Thelypteridaceae Thraustochytriaceae Thymelaeaceae Tiliaceae Tofieldiaceae Trapaceae Trebouxiaceae Trebouxiophyceae Tremellaceae Tricholomataceae Trionychidae Tropaeolaceae Tuberaceae Turneraceae Typhaceae Udoteaceae Ulmaceae Ulvaceae Ursidae Urticaceae Usneaceae Valerianaceae Verbenaceae Violaceae Vitaceae Winteraceae Xanthorrhoeaceae Zingiberaceae Zosteraceae Zygophyllaceae
Search by Obtained from abalone acidic epicarps after pressing the juice from the fruit of the Lime adventitious roots aerial parts aerial parts and roots of the Cowslip aerial parts of the Eye Bright aerial parts of the Marvel of Peru aerial parts of the Mouse Ear aerial parts of the Rose Bay aerial parts of the Sweet Clover aerial parts of the Water Plantain aerial parts of the Wood Betony alga Animal Meadowgrass aril aril of the seeds bacterial culture badger balsam bark exudate barks barks and buds barks and fruits barks and leaves barks and needles barks and root barks exudate barks of Cinnamomum cassia , buds of Syzgium aromaticum , leaves of Rosmarinus officinalis and leaves of Thymus vulgaris barks of Cinnamomum cassia, shells of Myristica fragrans, seeds of Piper nigrum and flowers of Syzygium aromaticum barks of the stems barks, buds, leaves and twigs barks, fruits, leaves, roots and stems beans bear fat berries berries and plant materials berries, branches and leaves Birch Bladderwrack body of the snail body of the soft-shelled turtle Book Lime Boysenberry bracts branches branches and leaves branches and needles branches and stems branches of the marine invertebrate branches, flowers and leaves branches, fruit and leaves branches, leaves and twigs branches, leaves, and wood brans brans and germ Brasilian Gum brine shrimp Brown Alga buds buds and berries buds and needles buds and/or stems bulbs bush callus callus cells callus culture calyxes cambium cells grown in culture Candelilla caps and stalks capsules, flowers, leaves and stem heads carrageenan cell culture suspension cell culture suspension of the whole plant cells derived centaury cereal grass chassis Chinese Scholar Tree or the Japanese Pagoda Tree chrysalis chrysalis cocoon of the moth cliver cocoon coelomic fluid Cohune Palm cones copaiba coral cortex cotyledons crocodile fat crushed peels crushed seeds of the Hibiscus crushed shells culture culture broth mycelium culture of callus cells culture of root cells culture of the adventitious root cells culture of the callus culture of the callus cells culture of the cells derived from the germ culture of the flower cells culture of the fruit cells culture of the hairy root cells of Carlina Thistle culture of the leaf cells culture of the leaf cells of the plant culture of the meristem cells culture of the phytoplacenta culture of the root cells cultured cells cultured cells of the alga cultured leaf cells cultured meristem cells cultures of isolated meristem cells cultures of the callus cupule cut leaves Cuttlefish Daisy Dandelion defatted bran dehydrated sliced flesh of the avocado pear Dill donkeys dried and ripe fruit dried barks dried beans dried defatted seeds dried druits dried flower buds dried flower heads dried flowering plant dried flowers dried flowers of the plant dried flowers, fruits and leaves dried fresh grass citronella dried fruits dried ground leaves dried kernels of the ripe seeds of the nutmeg dried leaves dried leaves and flowering tops dried leaves and stems dried nutmeg dried plants dried red case which surrounds the ripe seeds of the Nutmeg dried rhizomes dried ripe fruits dried ripe seeds dried roots dried seeds dried strobiles dried suspension of the cultured leaf cells dried thallus dried tops and leaves dried upper part of the grass dried, crushed flowers dried, crushed leaves dried, ground barks dried, ground callus dried, ground flowers dried, ground fruits dried, ground gum of the olibanum dried, ground herbs dried, ground leaves dried, ground leaves and stems dried, ground powder obtained from the seeds dried, ground roots dried, ground seedcake dried, ground seeds dried, ground shells dried, ground thallus dried, gummy exudate dried, ripe fruits dried, ripe fruits and seeds Drop Wort dry distillation of the fossil resin (vacuum distillation) eeds of the Burdock eggs eggs of the sturgeon entire plant entire plant of the Herb Robert epicarps exudate exudates fat of the bird emu fatty tissues of the marmot (Marmota) feet of cattle ferment of the mycelium fermentation fermentation of Olea Europaea Fruit Oil by the microorganism fermentation of Pentaclethra Macroloba Seed Oil by the microorganism, Bacillus fermentation of the seeds of Camellia japonica by the mircoorganism, Bacillus Field Scabious Figwort filtrate of the fermentation of the mycelium fin of the shark fish fish cartilage flesh of the Oyster flours flower flower heads flower tips flowering end flowering grass flowering herbs flowering shoots flowering tops and leaves flowers flowers (molecular distillation) flowers and foliage flowers and fruits flowers and leaves flowers and overground parts flowers and stems flowers of the cultivar flowers, buds, leaves or stems flowers, leaves and seeds flowers, leaves and stem flowers, leaves and stems fossilized resin fraction of sesame oil frass fresh epicarps fresh flowering tops fresh leaves fresh leaves of different species of Eucalyptus fresh Lemon Grass fresh livers of codfish fresh peels fresh pulp fresh root barks of the Barberry freshly dried membranous cones of the female plants of the Hops freshwater pearl fronds fronds (leaves) fruit and roots fruit body fruit juice fruit pods fruiting body of the mushroom fruits fruits and leaves fruits and pericarps fruits and pulps fruits and seeds fungus gall of the Oak gallnut galls of the Macassar Seed Garden Cypress Garden Strawberry germinated grain germinated seeds germs Giant Kelp Ginseng Goldenrod grains grapevine grass green leaves ground leaves ground shells growth media growth media removed from cultures growth media removed from cultures of callus cells gum gum exudate hairy root cells head, tail and stomach of various species of fish heads heartwood herb, flowers and seeds herbal plant herbs herbs and dried ripe fruits herbs and flowers herbs and fruits herbs and leaves herbs and roots herbs and seeds herbs of various species herbs, roots and seeds Hip Rose horn of the water buffalo Horse Chestnut Houseleek hulls husks husks and shells Hydrangea Iceland moss inflorescence (hops cone) inner barks inner shells Japanese Cedar Japanese Mamushi snake Japanese vegetable Jointed Glasswort juice juice expressed from the fruits juice of the leaf Juniper Kelp kernel kernels Kidney Bean kiwi lady's mantle larva of mealworm beetle Lavender leaf cells leather coral leaves leaves and aerial parts leaves and branches leaves and flowers leaves and fresh flowering tops leaves and leafstalk leaves and roots leaves and seeds leaves and stalks leaves and stems leaves and tops leaves and twigs leaves cells leaves, flowers and stems leaves, nuts and stems leaves, peels, and stems leaves, stems and fruits leaves, stems and roots Leek lees Lemon Grass lga lichens lipids extracted from the fruits liver of the codfish lizard Lotus Tree lysate of the cultured cells lysis of the cultured callus cells marine invertebrate meal Medlar meristem cells meristem cells grown in culture meristems mesocarps microorganisms Millet molasses Moroccan Chamomile mucus of inshore hagfish mushroom mushroom mycelium mussel mycelium myrobalan nd needles needles and branches needles and leaves needles, leaves and twigs needles/leaves Neem Tree nodule of the roots of the Guar nut meats nut shells nutmeg nuts Oak Tree obtained from lard at low temperatures one or more species of the sea snail ovaries palm heart Palmoil Tree peat pectins peeled seeds peels peels (C.P.) Pelargonium pellicle pericarps petals phytoplacenta phytoplacenta cells phytoplacenta cells directly isolated phytoplacenta cells directly isolated from the plant phytoplacenta cells isolated from the plant phytoplacenta of the Soybean phytoplankton pit of the Bitter Cherry pitcher plankton plant plant cell culture suspension plant material plant materials plant sterols platelets derived from wild boar pods pods and barks powder obtained by grinding the Wheat powdered barks proteins of the Oat protocorms protonema pulp pulps pupls reaction product Red Alga Red Sandwort resin resin exudate resinous exudates rhizome and roots rhizomes rhizomes and roots rib and tail Rice Grass ripe fruits ripe seed kernels ripe seeds roasted seeds Roman Lavender root barks root cells root lees roots roots and bulbs roots and leaves roots and rhizomes roots of the Holy Ghost Rose Bay Rosewood Rosewood tree salmon eggs Sanicle sap sapwood sarcocarp Schytian Lamb sclerotium sclerotium of the Fungus sea rocket seaweed seaweeds see description Seed seed kernels of one or more of the cultivated varieties of the Peanut seedcake seedcoats seeds seeds and flowers seeds and leaves seeds butter seeds of various species seeds or the fruits seedscake sexual glands Shea Tree Sheap Sorrel shells Shiitake Mushroom shoot of the barks shoots shoots of the vines shredded leaves shrimp skins Skullcap Small Caltrop small North Atlantic fish solid residue obtained after fermentation somatic embryos Soybean spikes splinter sporaphyte of the alga spores of the mushroom sporocarps of the mushroom sporophylls of the alga spotted lanternfly sprout cells sprouts sprouts and germs stalks stamens steam distillation of oleoresin obtained from exudation steam distillation of the roots stems stems leaves sterile caules of the Horsetail stigmas stolons Stonecrop Stoneroot straw of the Oat Strawberry stumps styles subcutaneous fat of the deep sea fish orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) subdermal fatty tissues of the mink sugar cane sugar maple Swertia symbiosomes symbiosomes (root nodule) tar from the Swamp Pine thallus thorns transesterification tree tubers twigs twigs and leaves twigs fruit of the plant twigs leaves twigs leaves of different species of pine unripe fermented ripe fruits unripe fruits Valerian various species of the alga various species of the Rose velvet of the Red Deer vine of the Grape Water Hemp wet milling of the Corn whale Wheat Wheat Grass wheatgrass White Clover whitefish whole alga whole herbs whole mushroom whole plant whole plant without the roots whole sea cucumber wild growing plants wild thyme wild-type heterotrophic microalgae Wood woods woods and twigs woods of the Camphor Tree woods tar Wormmoss yeast yeast cells young shoots